Posts with the tag “holy-spirit”

"Intentional Love" | March 16, 2025 | Ps Joel Lowery
by Amber George on March 19th, 2025
In our journey of love and marriage, we're challenged to move beyond mere hope and into intentional action. The message draws from Genesis 2:24, emphasizing the Hebrew word 'debach' - to cling or adhere. This powerful concept reminds us that love in marriage isn't just about feelings, but about purposeful pursuit and unity. We're encouraged to focus on our own gaps rather than our spouse's, to prioritize their needs above our own, and to create a plan for intentional connection. By practicing daily encouragement, weekly dates, and yearly escapes, we can build marriages that don't just survive, but thrive. The lesson from Revelation 2:4-5 serves as a poignant reminder to return to our first love, both with God and our spouse. This message isn't just about improving our marriages; it's about reflecting God's love and commitment in our most intimate relationships.  Read More
"The Power of Healthy Communication" | March 9, 2025 | Ps Amber George
by Amber George on March 10th, 2025
In this powerful message, we're challenged to confront the critical importance of healthy communication in our marriages. The staggering 50% divorce rate, with 41% citing communication problems, underscores the urgency of this topic. We're reminded of King Solomon's wisdom in Proverbs 18:21 - 'The tongue has the power of life and death.' This isn't just about words; it's about the heart behind them. The story of the Tower of Babel illustrates how communication can unite or divide us. We're called to practice active listening, embracing the power of silence, and speaking with intention. Most importantly, we're encouraged to invite God into our conversations through prayer. By doing so, we can access His wisdom and supernatural peace, guarding our hearts and minds as we navigate the complexities of marital communication. This message isn't just about improving our relationships; it's about deepening our spiritual intimacy and aligning our marriages with God's design.  Read More
"Overcoming Obstacles" | February 16, 2025 | Ps Joel Lowery
by Amber George on February 16th, 2025
In our journey of faith, we're called to connect deeply with God and His family. This message challenges us to examine our priorities and ensure we're putting God's kingdom first, as Jesus taught in Matthew 6:33. Are we allowing good things to crowd out God things in our lives? The enemy often uses subtle distractions - sports, hobbies, or even parenting styles - to hinder our connection with God's people. We're encouraged to make fellowship a priority, even when it's uncomfortable or inconvenient. This isn't just about personal growth; it's about fulfilling Jesus' commandment in John 13 to love one another deeply, showing the world we are His disciples. As we align our priorities with God's, we may find He provides exactly what we need, opening doors for meaningful connections and spiritual growth we never anticipated.  Read More
"Build & Block" | February 9, 2025 | Ps Christina Lowery
by Amber George on February 10th, 2025
In our journey of faith, we're called to build and block - to construct godly relationships while defending against the enemy's attempts to divide us. The story of Nehemiah rebuilding Jerusalem's walls offers a powerful metaphor: we must work with one hand and wield a sword with the other. This teaches us to be intentional about fostering connections within our church family, encouraging one another, and staying committed even when challenges arise. Just as those who are planted in God's house will flourish, we too can thrive when we remain rooted in our faith community. Let's resist the temptation to isolate ourselves, recognizing that the enemy seeks to devour those who are alone. Instead, we're encouraged to think of ways to motivate one another, put courage into each other, and stay connected. This message challenges us to examine our own involvement in our faith community and consider how we can deepen our relationships with fellow believers.  Read More
"Unity" | February 2, 2025 | Ps Joel Lowery
by Amber George on February 3rd, 2025
In this powerful message, we're challenged to consider the vital importance of meaningful connections within the body of Christ. Drawing inspiration from the game Connect Four, we're reminded that our faith journey isn't meant to be a solo adventure. The cornerstone of our connection is Jesus Christ himself, as emphasized in Ephesians 2:19-20. This foundation is crucial for building lasting relationships in the church. We're encouraged to resist the enemy's attempts to isolate us, likened to a lion seeking to devour its prey. Just as animals in the wild are stronger together, we too find strength and protection in our spiritual family. The message urges us to embrace our role in the body of Christ, recognizing that we not only need others, but others need us too. As we cultivate these connections, we become a powerful testimony to the world, fulfilling Christ's command to love one another and draw others to Him.  Read More
"Bold Obedience" | January 26, 2025 | Ps Joel Lowery
by Amber George on January 26th, 2025
In this powerful message, we're challenged to embrace bold obedience in our walk with God. Drawing from Acts 5, we see how the apostles faced opposition yet remained faithful to their calling. This story reminds us that when we step out in faith, we often encounter resistance, but it's precisely in these moments that God's miracles are released. The central theme encourages us to understand that our responsibility is obedience, while the results are God's domain. We're prompted to reflect on areas in our lives where we might be delaying or partially obeying God's call. The message emphasizes that true faith often requires risk and stepping into waters that are over our heads. As we contemplate this, we're invited to consider: Where is God calling us to be boldly obedient today? How might our lives and our world change if we fully embraced God's call, regardless of the opposition we might face?  Read More
"Bold Speaking" | January 19, 2025 | Ps Christina Lowery
by Amber George on January 20th, 2025
In this powerful message, we're challenged to speak boldly for our faith, despite our fears and insecurities. The story of Peter and John in Acts 4 serves as a inspiring example of ordinary people finding extraordinary courage through their trust in God. Just as they declared 'We cannot stop telling about everything we have seen and heard,' we too are called to share our experiences of God's work in our lives. The sermon draws fascinating parallels between biblical figures like Moses, Esther, and Gideon, and our own struggles with self-doubt. It reminds us that God doesn't call the qualified; He qualifies the called. By trusting in His sovereignty, leaning on His promises, and embracing the power of the Holy Spirit, we can find the courage to step out in faith. This message encourages us to reflect on where God might be calling us to speak boldly in our own lives, reminding us that our obedient 'yes' is all He requires to work miracles through us.  Read More
"Bold Prayers" | January 12, 2025 | Ps Joel Lowery
by Crossroads Church on January 14th, 2025
In this powerful message, we're challenged to embrace boldness in our prayer lives. Drawing from Acts 4 and 5, we see how the early church responded to opposition with fervent, united prayer. Their first instinct wasn't to strategize or celebrate their release, but to seek God's face together. This reminds us that our initial response to challenges should be prayer, not just action. The early believers prayed for two things: boldness to speak God's word and for miracles to be performed. This teaches us that our prayers often reflect our view of God. Are we praying small, safe prayers or are we boldly asking God to move in miraculous ways? We're encouraged to pray in a way that, when answered, could only be attributed to God's power. This message urges us to step out of our comfort zones and pray with audacity, believing in a God who can do the impossible. It's a call to align our prayers with God's perspective rather than our own self-centered desires.  Read More
"Amazing Boldness" | January 5, 2025 | Ps Joel Lowery
by Crossroads Church on January 9th, 2025
In a world that often encourages us to blend in, there's a powerful call for believers to stand out—not through ostentatious displays, but through a quiet, unwavering boldness that stems from an unshakeable faith. This boldness isn't about being loud or confrontational; it's about living with a conviction so deep that it naturally influences our behavior and choices.The early Christian church was ...  Read More



